Application Process

How to Apply

Are you or someone you know in need of assistance from Ceridian Cares? Here’s what to do:

  • 1

    Review the Ceridian Cares Application Criteria.

    • Please note that Ceridian Cares will not provide grants to the same recipient in consecutive fiscal years.
    • Please note that as of February 1, 2024, new clarifications have been posted on our Application Criteria page regarding the type of requests that we will consider.
  • 2

    Gather all the required documents:

    • Recipient's US birth certificate, passport, REAL ID (name of new secure driver's license) driver's license with symbol in corner or permanent residence card. We do not accept SSN card or regular non-REAL ID driver's license (no symbol in corner).
    • Two quotes/estimates from vendors or service providers for the cost of the item(s) for which financial assistance is being requested
    • Optional: Letter from third party to support your claims (e.g., doctor, teacher, social worker, therapist, etc.)
    • For requests for Therapies such as physiotherapy, chiropractic, or psychotherapy, etc., a note from a health practitioner outlining expected timeframe the therapy is needed (must be under 6 months) as well as the outcome goals.
    • For requests for a portion of a larger expense (i.e., requesting $3,000 toward something that costs $10,000), include confirmation that funds have been secured for the balance of the needed amount.
  • 3

    Once you have the all required documents, follow the steps below to apply:

    • Click on the “Apply Online” button
    • Fill in all the required fields of the Grant Application Form
    • Scan and upload all the required documents
    • Click “Submit”

    Apply Online

    Request a Paper Application Form

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For Your Information:

  • You can expect a response within 90 days from the date of your submission, advising you of the status of your application.
  • A member of the Ceridian Cares team may contact you to request additional details pertaining to your application.
  • Ceridian Cares reserves the right to verify that funds disbursed have been used for the purposes for which they were approved.
  • Ceridian Cares may ask for your participation in Ceridian Cares promotional activities, but will only do so with your consent, and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.